Changing the organizing principle

Compartmentalization, segregation, and excel spreadsheets are necessary in an industrial world. The introduction of zoning, known as Euclidean zoning, regulates land use. It separates residential, commercial, office, and industrial services. Numeric values in the code control the density of the built environment. The result is the typical suburban and mowed over urban neighborhood you see today.

Conventional zoning opposes the 15-minute, 1-minute city, or walkable neighborhoods many want to inhabit, work, and play.

Building connected, vibrant, diverse, and inclusive neighborhoods are possible only when we choose to move beyond the 20th-century city planning model.

Form-Based coding is a proven alternative for placemaking. The physical form, community character, climate, and other standards replace the organizing principle of separation.

The diverse, equitable, and inclusive communities we seek to have been possible. As soon as we align our values and vision with the organizing principles of form-based codes, you can most certainly expect an expanded and affordable housing stock and spaces for entrepreneurial and wealth-building to occur.


Tend to the fundamentals


Use a wide-angle lens