Place Blueprint
The Place Blueprint executes your project vision and leads to groundbreaking and ribbon cutting ceremonies. Place Foundry works with you to create a detailed blueprint that will guide and shape the development of your properties into a magnetic destination and ensure end-user appeal.
The final Place Development Blueprint includes visualizations, cost pro formas, policy recommendations, and schematic design that equip you to turn your placemaking concept into a reality. The Blueprint is your primary tool for communicating your place development plan, engaging stakeholders, and public agency approval.
Market and Demographics Analysis
Market and Consumer Fit Analysis
Development Feasibility
Return on Cost Analysis
Development Master Pan
Financial Pro Forma
Development Schedule
Stakeholder Engagement
Entitlements Coordination
Storytelling Execution
Project Management
Place Blueprint
INCLUDES: Market and Demographics Analysis, Market and Consumer Fit Analysis, Development Feasibility, and Return on Cost Analysis.
Place Blueprint Pro
INCLUDES: Everything in Place Blueprint
Development Master Pan, Financial Pro Forma, Development Schedule, Storytelling, Stakeholder Engagement, and Entitlements Coordination. -
Place Blueprint Premium
INCLUDES: Everything in Place Blueprint Pro
Storytelling Execution and Project Management
Who is Place Blueprint for?
Holders, proprietors, investors and managers of land and real estate assets.
Corporations or partnerships that make investments or conduct activities related to development/redevelopment.
Business organizations such as Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Organizations that facilitate business growth and prosperity.
A political unit, governing body, or public service agency.

As Place Strategists and Designers, we help you devise a strategy that is vital for building magnetic destinations and doing transformative place development. The result is a plan that will deliver return on investment and sustainable quality of life in your community.
Strategy Activates Places
Ready to talk?
We work with private businesses, nonprofits, and public-purpose organizations that want to build magnetic destinations.