Do you know what you have?

Most people want to live in a place where there is an opportunity, and they feel valued and can contribute their skills in meaningful and profitable ways. Yet, most communities are stuck believing they do not have the right assets or location to thrive.

People and skills are essential connected, vibrant, and inclusive neighborhoods and cities. You might live or work in a community that might have good knowledge of their assets and location but is struggling to overcome the broken social conditions or supply chain systems. Instead, they spend their energy on hunting for new rather than be hyper-focused on local people businesses.

A skilled labor force will always keep your city in the game. Scaling up what you have led to added jobs and wealth to the community. Combine this effort with hyper-intention on the built environment, and you will achieve having a place worth migrating to and staying.

Places of opportunity have a strong culture of support — mentoring, learning, apprenticeships, and partnerships. Figure out what you have, form collaborations of creators, critics, and tinkerers, and commit to making a place of opportunity for all.

Don’t overlook what you already have. The people who came before you created and left something behind worth your attention.


Is gentrification inevitable?


Operating with a black and white strategy