
Place Mapping

Defining the vision will ultimately shape and guide places to becoming magnetic destinations.  Our team utilizes market analysis and data analytics to map and analyze what is achievable for placemaking and development.  

Place Innovation Workshop

Want to clarify your place value proposition and create a strategy in 3 days?  At a Place Innovation Workshop, you’ll get three days of facilitation and coaching from David Sidney and the Place Foundry team to map, analyze, and design a strategy for developing places that are magnetic, prosperous, and achieve community well-being.

Place Coaching

Placemaking and development shouldn’t be frustrating or a mystery. Utilizing our three-step process, we will coach you over a defined period to help you map, analyze, and design a project. By the end of the process, you will have a plan to complete a place development project. 

Who is Place Advisory for?

  • Holders, proprietors, investors and managers of land and real estate assets.

  • Corporations or partnerships that make investments or conduct activities related to development/redevelopment.

  • Business organizations such as Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Organizations that facilitate business growth and prosperity.

  • A political unit, governing body, or public service agency.

As Place Strategists and Designers, we help you devise a strategy that is vital for building magnetic destinations and doing transformative place development. The result is a plan that will deliver return on investment and sustainable quality of life in your community.

Strategy Activates Places


Ready to talk?

We work with private businesses, nonprofits, and public-purpose organizations that want to build magnetic destinations.