The Importance and Future of Place Mapping
Place Mapping can have a profound impact on our communities and urban landscapes. It’s more than a strategy; it's a philosophy that champions the creation of meaningful, engaging, and dynamic spaces. It's about understanding that the spaces we create today are the communities of tomorrow.
What is Place Mapping? Understanding the Place Innovation Ecosystem
Ever wondered what makes a space more than just a place to visit? People, Programming, and Marketplace come together in the Place Innovation Ecosystem to create spaces that resonate with the heart of the community. Want to know more about crafting engaging, sustainable spaces? Check out our latest blog that delves into the essence of place mapping.
What is Place Mapping?
At its core, Place Mapping is not just about the physical planning and designing of spaces; it's about creating environments that attract people. Our latest blog post explains how we use this approach to craft environments that are functional and memorable.
Zero-sum vs. Ecosystem Thinking
Places that will thrive beyond today will avoid the temptations of zero-sum thinking and behaviors.
Transformative Place Development
Widespread wealth-building and prosperity is an investment choice that you get to make every day.
At the intersection
It’s in the overlap that the business clusters and professions of architecture, planning, branding, design, real estate development and construction not only thrive but create the kinds of places where you and I want to live, visit and invest.
Magnetic Places
Places that grow exponentially compound their action, not motion, around three nested ecosystems - people, land, and the marketplace.
The alternative in the middle
The meta-narrative of places has been trending toward greater density, not less. However, the micro-trends have swung back and forth depending on technological forms and energy sources at a given time.
The tension
The other day I was working on a proforma that initially looked like a no-go. But, with a table conversation, that pro forma is now in a yes position.
Return on Investment
Something within the ecosystem needs tinkering that switches a line or two in the proforma that makes a development project viable.
Creating places on purpose - part 2
Transformative place development is changing course from a metric-driven approach to an ecosystem approach with metrics.
Creating places on purpose - part 1
In an era where job and income growth, qualified labor availability, and inflation are top-of-mind problems to solve, having a place development strategy is paramount to your success and enriching the lives of your residents and businesses.
The algorithmic paradigm
Each one of us can influence how the algorithm works. Each decision and step you take sets the trajectory for the kind of place your neighborhood, commercial corridor, the city-region are becoming.
Who are you becoming?
Many places want to be and get better. Better learning environments. Better housing conditions. Better job opportunities. Better is usually easy to define. It is figuring out how to get to better that keeps many places from creating and navigating a new S-Curve.
The coordinates to magnetic destinations
Knowing your position tells you where you are. Mapping coordinates gets you to where you want to be.
The squeeze on the middle
The work of placemaking requires knowing how to maximize our land use and ensure we serve all existing and new beneficiaries.
Why new matters
New creates a cycles of growth for a community. At the same time, the risk of existing product offerings becoming less valuable increases.
Play the place development game
Most people will choose a magnetic and inclusive place that meets their needs or stage of life. Places (towns, villages, and cities) need to play nice. So it's even more critical for them to play the thriving places game.
The 30% plan
Creators and tinkerers. We need both to make our cities and neighborhoods thrive.
Ecosystem components
The idea that you can mastermind places, assign random target dates to achieve goals, and assume everyone gets onboard is still widely used in our field.